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Liebster Award

THE RULES FOR THIS AWARD Acknowlege the blogger who nominated you. Answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you. Nominate 11 blogs Give them 11 questions to answer

Thank you so much Sofia Tranter for nominating me for the Liebster Award.

Her blog is amazing guys you should check it out 😊. This is my first nominee as a blogger and I would love to thank Sophia once again for nominating me. Questions from Sophia 1. What is one thing in this whole entire world that you have always wanted? I have always wanted to be happy , independent and successful. 2. What is the most romantic/cutest thing anyone has ever done for you? On Valentine's Day my boyfriend showed up at my workplace with flowers and chocolates 😍( best day ever) 3. How long have you been blogging for now? can you remember the exact date? I don't remember the exact date but I was in high school (2013) when I created my first blog with Jimdo, I didn't know what I was doing but I loved it. I stopped for a while, got back at it but never published it for people to read till 2 months ago (May 2017) when I decided to take it seriously. 4. If you could change the blogging community in any way, how would you change it and why? Well I wouldn't change it I would just make sure that I put African bloggers on the map. 5. Do you have a talent? I guess so LOL, I am a very good actor. 6. If you had to rant about something right now, what would it be? feel free to have a little rant… let out some steam..( I can’t wait to read all of your guys answers) Omg I would rant about corruption in my country, it's funny how the government comments on how we should fight certain things like drug trafficking, illegal immigration etc while most of them get bribed for those activities to happen ( it pisses me off ) Sorry 7. Favorite go to movie? Omg I have so many favorite movies ( I am a thriller/horror movie fan ) I always go for GONE GIRL 8. What question do you hate to answer? Can you tell me more about yourself? 9. How do you unwind from a stressful day? I write , listen to music but the best medicine is talking to my boyfriend ( he makes me relax ) 10. Favorite number? I don't know why but it's 8. 11. What is your good deed for the day? No one knows this about me but ( I actually pray for every single person in the world before I go to Bed ) ♥️ My questions

1. Describe how did you first get into blogging? 2. What would be your ideal working environment? 3. How do you want to improve yourself in the next year? 4. What was your greatest failure and what did you learn from that? 5. What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging? 6. Who takes the majority of your photos? 7. How would you describe your personal style and is there a person who is a fashion inspiration to you? 8. Which movie or book do you think is ridiculously overrated? 9. Who would you most like to sit next to on a 10 hour flight and why? 10. What are two things you think you should know how to do but don’t? 11. What makes you say “What was I thinking?” when you look back on your life? My nominees

Thank you so much to everyone who read my answers I hope you enjoyed and got to know me a little more. Xoxo

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